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New documentation, collaboration, and Dashboard - oh my!

Hologram Dashboard

New documentation, collaboration, and Dashboard - cellular connectivity for the Internet of Things

Pat Hogan

November 16, 2016

It’s an exciting time here at Hologram – we’re very proud to be releasing three major updates to our platform:

  • Fully Revamped Documentation
  • Organization / Team Collaboration
  • Brand Spankin’ New Dashboard

Why have we done this?A lot of it is to lay the groundwork for even more awesome features coming down the pipeline. A lot of it is because we’re genuinely excited about furthering the IoT industry. And a whole lot of it is because of you and the Hologram community.One of the things I’m personally most excited about is our greatly improved documentation. What was once lackluster, is now far more complete, less disjointed, and easier to navigate. In this release, we’ve updated all of our content, styling, and infrastructure – not only so that it’s easier to understand, but also so that it’s easier for us to maintain with our rapidly expanding product.

our beautiful, beautiful dash

Along with this, has also come collaboration support. This has been on our roadmap for far too long. It required a massive undertaking to restructure our backend around this feature, but in the end, we all agreed it was well worth the effort. We’re proud to finally be offering account collaboration with our new “Organizations” feature. You’ll be able to create new organizations, transfer devices between organizations, and invite your friends and colleagues to collaborate over everything within an organization. We hope that this helps further catalyze the awesome projects you guys have been building.Last, but definitely not least, we have a completely new dashboard! :scream:A new dashboard? Yup. We scrapped our old dashboard written in AngularJS, for a new one written in React. All the pages have updated designs, and the infrastructure is far more maintainable so we can deliver all the awesome features on our roadmap. You’ll notice an immediate improvement in the look and feel of this dashboard – we can’t wait for you to try it out!Stay tuned for additional posts on these features, where we’ll dive deeper into the specifics of how how they work, and why we built them out the way we did.-Pat HoganProduct Lead / Full Stack Engineer at Hologram

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