How Hologram, Escavox, and Purfresh are improving the global supply chain
How Hologram fits in
Purfresh and Escavox’s lifecycle with Hologram
“During our R&D phase we determined Hologram had the most coverage and location accuracy and were the global leader in terms of size and scale and would be able to support our vision.” — Luke Wood, CEO, Escavox
Purfresh tested 50 devices to ensure that the Hologram SIM could connect in its most challenging markets for connectivity: South Africa, Australia, Japan, Taiwan, and Vietnam.
Both companies are using Hologram Dashboard to monitor their fleets in real time. And it’s only getting better. Escavox’s Wood says, “The Hologram Dashboard is constantly being improved, resulting in a more streamlined fleet management experience, while the API provides relevant and very useful tools for bulk fleet management activities.”
Escavox currently has more than 16,000 devices using the Hologram global SIM, with plans to continue growing. Escavox’s Wood says that Hologram’s technology is paving the path forward, noting, “We made a move from standard sims to eSIMs for our newest device in order to drive down costs and ensure fleet security.” Purfresh is also in the process of rolling out the Hologram global SIM to its entire fleet.
Together, Purfresh and Escavox are continuing to help streamline the global supply chain — keeping food fresher while minimizing waste and emissions.
Imagine providing this much value to your customers
Constant IoT connectivity and analytics help Purfresh and Escavox reach their goal of getting food to its destination in better condition. That enables sellers to earn a higher price while reducing waste. Purfresh’s devices have boosted shipment value by an average of 275 percent while saving an average of $3,749 per container. And Escavox customers report an average of 21 percent improvement in “voice of product” scores that measure supply chain performance, including product quality, waste, and carbon miles.
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